Williegomezt,you need no special roms for the new mame 0.81u4.
You can use the roms from the u64emu.
Just zip it up and name it kinst
I would zip up all maincodes in the zip(then you can switch between the versions 1.3,
For netplay only the vers.0.81u3 have a kaillera client at the moment,but the KI fixes are only in vers.081u4.
I'm sure if i update the vers.081u3 too 0.81u4(via diff update)then i could use netplay with the 081u4 version.
I test that later today.
Let's hope netplay is better with the new mame.
KI online would be very cool!!! ;D
I have testet KI with the 0.81u4 version a while now and i must say it runs really good on my comp 2.1ghz
A friend has testet it with a 1.7ghz cpu and it was also fine.
I have compared the u64emu with the new mame and
must say it looks a lot better with mame now.
I have also seen no bugs(gfx or finishers)so far.
But the sound needs to be fixed.
The sound is very bad.
If they would fix the sound then it would be a nearly perfect KI1 emulation(at least with a cpu 1.7ghz and higher) i would play KI1 with mame then.
I have also testet KI2,but it's a little slow on my comp(even if i disable the throttle in mame)
I guess you need at least a 2.5 ghz cpu to play it right.
But it's cool to see improvements with the KI emulation in mame.
At least the gfx bugs(skies in tusk and orchid stage and
the sea in spinal stage)is fixed now.
Let's hope the sound is fixed in the next update.